
VideoRoom Plugin

class janus_client.JanusVideoRoomPlugin(*args, **kwargs)

Janus VideoRoom plugin implementation

Implements API to interact with VideoRoom plugin.

Each plugin object is expected to have only 1 PeerConnection.

Each VideoRoom plugin instance is expected to have one of the following three uses: - Administration - Publisher - Subscriber

An instance meant for administration can be used as publisher or subscriber, but usually there isn’t a reason to share. Just create another instance. On the other hand, a publisher instance cannot subscribe to a stream and vice versa.

async allowed(room_id: int, secret: str = '', action: AllowedAction = AllowedAction.ENABLE, allowed: List[str] = []) bool

Configure ACL of a room.

async create_room(room_id: int, configuration: dict = {}) bool

Create a room.

Refer to documentation for description of parameters.

async destroy_room(room_id: int, secret: str = '', permanent: bool = False) bool

Destroy a room.

All other participants in the room will also get the “destroyed” event.

async edit(room_id: int, secret: str = '', new_description: str = '', new_secret: str = '', new_pin: str = '', new_is_private: bool = False, new_require_pvtid: bool = False, new_bitrate: Optional[int] = None, new_fir_freq: Optional[int] = None, new_publishers: int = 3, new_lock_record: bool = False, new_rec_dir: Optional[str] = None, permanent: bool = False) bool

Edit a room.

async exists(room_id: int) bool

Check if a room exists.

async join(room_id: int, publisher_id: Optional[int] = None, display_name: str = '', token: Optional[str] = None) bool

Join a room

A handle can join a room and then do nothing, but this should be called before publishing. There is an API to configure and publish at the same time, but it’s not implemented yet.

  • room_id – unique ID of the room to join.

  • publisher_id – unique ID to register for the publisher; optional, will be chosen by the plugin if missing.

  • display_name – display name for the publisher; optional.

  • token – invitation token, in case the room has an ACL; optional.


True if room is created.

async kick(room_id: int, id: str, secret: str = '') bool

Kick a participant by ID.

Only works for room administrators (i.e. you created the room).

async leave() bool

Leave the room. Will unpublish if publishing.


True if successfully leave.

async list_participants(room_id: int) list

Get participant list in a room

Get a list of publishers in the room, that are currently publishing.


room_id – List participants in this room


A list containing the participants. Can be empty.

async list_room() List[dict]

List all rooms created.

If admin_key is included, then private rooms will be listed as well. TODO: Find out how to include admin_key.

async moderate(room_id: int, id: str, mid: str, mute: bool, secret: str = '') bool

Moderate a participant by ID.

Only works for room administrators (i.e. you created the room).

name: str = 'janus.plugin.videoroom'

Plugin name

async on_receive(response: dict)

Handle asynchronous messages

async pause() None

Pause media streaming

async publish(stream_track: List[MediaStreamTrack], configuration: dict = {}) None

Publish video stream to the room

Should already have joined a room before this.

async start(jsep: Optional[dict] = None) bool

Signal WebRTC start.

async subscribe_and_start(room_id: int, on_track_created, stream: dict, use_msid: bool = False, autoupdate: bool = True, private_id: Optional[int] = None) bool

Subscribe to a feed. Only supporting subscribe to 1 stream.

  • room_id – Room ID containing the feed. The same ID that you would use to join the room.

  • on_track_created – A callback function that will be called when AIORTC PC creates a media track

  • stream – Configuration of the stream to subscribe to. Minimum should have a feed ID.

  • use_msid – whether subscriptions should include an msid that references the publisher; false by default.

  • autoupdate – whether a new SDP offer is sent automatically when a subscribed publisher leaves; true by default.

  • private_id – unique ID of the publisher that originated this request; optional, unless mandated by the room configuration.

async unpublish() bool

Stop publishing.


True if successfully unpublished.

async unsubscribe() None

Unsubscribe from the feed

VideoCall Plugin

class janus_client.JanusVideoCallPlugin

Janus Video Call plugin implementation

name: str = 'janus.plugin.videocall'

Plugin name

async on_incoming_call(jsep: dict)

Override this. This will be called when plugin receive incoming call event

async on_receive(response: dict)

Handle asynchronous events from Janus

async register(username: str) bool

Register a username

Detach plugin to de-register the username

EchoTest Plugin

class janus_client.JanusEchoTestPlugin

Janus EchoTest plugin implementation

async close_stream()

Close stream

This should cause the stream to stop and a done event to be received.

name: str = 'janus.plugin.echotest'

Plugin name

Must override to match plugin name in Janus server.

async on_receive(response: dict)

Handle asynchronous events from Janus

Base Class

class janus_client.JanusPlugin

Base class to inherit when implementing a plugin

async destroy()

Destroy plugin handle

async send(message: dict) MessageTransaction

Send raw message to plugin

Will auto attach plugin ID to the message.


message – JSON serializable dictionary to send


Synchronous reply from server

async trickle(sdpMLineIndex, candidate)

Send WebRTC candidates to Janus

  • sdpMLineIndex – (I don’t know what is this)

  • candidate – Candidate payload. (I got it from WebRTC instance callback)